
Febuaray 2017

Are Promotional Anti Stress Balls a Wise Choice For Your Next Promotion?

Today,  the high competition that all business' face is incredible. All business owners are competing for that same dollar. The only thing for you to consider is that you need to promote your company in the most suitable and effective way in this present economic climate. You need think about a budget that will not stress your business. You need to be able to get the most benefit from your next promotion.

We feel that if you give your clients something they can use and have fun with, branded with your company information, like an anti stress shape it will work better than giving them one of your business cards. Business cards usally get thrown in the back of a draw. Using anti stress balls are not only practical but fun, with so many different stress shapes featured on our website we are confident that you will find one that will suit your budget and image.

When you are going through the proces of choosing a stress ball or stress shape you need to know that print areas differ from one to another. Just because you select a large stress shape it doesn't mean that the print area is large. We will always let you know if the logo or information you need printed will work or not before we go ahead and brand these products for you.

Some companies ask us if we are able to custom make anti stress balls in a special colour or shape, yes we can. However, this can be very expensive. The best thing to do in this case is to give us a call to discuss . The reason this is expensive is that you will need to pay for a tooling charge and there is usally a minimum order you need to place. In most cases when clients ask us about this proces they always end up finding an anti stress product that is readily avalible. 

We feel that using any of our stress products is a great idea for your next promotion.

Feel free to give us a call, we will be more than happy to help.  




January 2017

Hi all,

Here are some tips to help you select your promotional gifts in 2017.

Just remember that you can use these items to promote any brand or corporate event, however it is important to know how to choose one. Hope this will help.

Aside from variety, cost is also very important after all you don't need to spend a fortune to promote your company. Your goal should be to get your brand known in the market place.

It is usually a good idea to try and ask for a sample, this might help you to make the right choise. Some samples will be free of charge and might incurre a postage fee, but some of the more exensive items will mean that you will have to pay for that particular product as well as the postage fee.

When you are considering a certain gift for your clients try and visualise your logo or company name printed on it.

Some promotional items have a small area for printing where others have a large area.

If you choose a pen from our range for example , sometimes printing or engraving your logo will not be a good idea as all pens have a small branding area. In this case we would ask you to email us your logo so we can see if it would work or not.

Or for example, if you decide to go with a note book , these have a large print area which means printing a logo should not be a problem however it is always a good idea to check with us first as our prodcuction team will always check and let you know the best way to prduce the item for you.

Colour is also an important consideration when choosing an item , do you have corporate colours or do you want something that is just bright and will be quickly seen at a distance.

The choices are endless and we are always ready to assist so just give us a call or send us an email. We are here to help


November 2016

Hi everyone, just wanted to talk about Christmas.

Lately we have been inundated with enquiries about what we can offer in the way of Christmas Gifts as a promotional giveaway for your clients; well to be honest the list is endless.

The first thing you need to think about is quantity. - how many clients would you like to target? Is it your top 25 clients or will it be your top 100.

Once you have decided on how many clients you are going to target, then you need to consider your budget and type of gift.

It's very important to consider the type of promotional gift to present them with. Just remember the more your clients use your gift the more they will see your company name and logo and will be reminded of the service that you provide. After all this is what you want. Your Christmas gift dosn't need to be expensive just practical and useful.

You can brows our website where you will find many items that will suit.